Monday, November 3, 2008

The Election..

Today is the second round election for east java's governor...i didn't vote anyway..why? because i didn't get the election card..which is simply foolish..RT-nya ngaco abis..waktu putaran pertama gw dapet, pas putaran kedua ga dapet..aneh..ya udah, ga nyoblos deh hari ini..

sebenernya gw malah lebih excited sama election di US..Barrack Obama bener2 mempesona rakyat Indonesia..maklum, dia pernah tinggal disini 4 tahun..kalo gw boleh vote, i definitely will vote for him..not only because he has a strong connection with my country, but also because he has lots of positive impacts..he's better compared to John McCain.. sih ga kenal2 amat sama Obama, cuma baca dari newspaper aja..mungkin juga gw banyak terpengaruh condong ke Obama, karena media di Indonesia jelas-jelas nunjukin kalo mereka juga support Obama..berita soal Obama pasti yang baik-baik..giliran soal McCain dan Sarah Palin selalu lebih banyak negative news-nya..haha..susah ya cari media yang bener-bener netral..

anyway..if Obama really win the's definitely gonna be HUGE..way to go Obama! i support you..maen-maen ya kesini..ntar kalo dah jadi presiden, jangan kaya org Indonesia ya..US is a huge country and surely has a huge impact for please keep all your promises and don't break our hearts..Obama for President..yeah..

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