Wednesday, November 5, 2008

God bless you Obama!

Barack Hussein Obama has finally made a history, on November 4th 2008 he's finally got elected as the President of the United States of America.
Well, I feel glad for it..
For the first time in my life, I've never been so excited about other country's election..But this year is different, it is USA, the greatest country in the world, and it is Barack Obama, the first afro-american people to be the President of the USA..
All the world is celebrating Obama's victory, and I feel really excited about it.

As an Indonesian, I can only hope that he will be great President..I hope America will be a better country in the next 4 years, especially in economic issue..because whatever happens in the USA impacts a lot for the I hope after Obama's elected the economy crisis will reduce, so other country (especially Indonesia) can also feel the good impact..

But I still have one thing to be worried..since USA's Democrat Party is a moderate party, most of them agrees to gay and same-sex marriage (and probably also abortion)..I really hope Obama's not one of them..Don't make America same like Netherlands..(geez,knock-knock!)

Well, for what is worth, I just wanna say Congratulation Mr. Barack Obama, or if I may say, President Obama..God bless you! =)

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Election..

Today is the second round election for east java's governor...i didn't vote anyway..why? because i didn't get the election card..which is simply foolish..RT-nya ngaco abis..waktu putaran pertama gw dapet, pas putaran kedua ga dapet..aneh..ya udah, ga nyoblos deh hari ini..

sebenernya gw malah lebih excited sama election di US..Barrack Obama bener2 mempesona rakyat Indonesia..maklum, dia pernah tinggal disini 4 tahun..kalo gw boleh vote, i definitely will vote for him..not only because he has a strong connection with my country, but also because he has lots of positive impacts..he's better compared to John McCain.. sih ga kenal2 amat sama Obama, cuma baca dari newspaper aja..mungkin juga gw banyak terpengaruh condong ke Obama, karena media di Indonesia jelas-jelas nunjukin kalo mereka juga support Obama..berita soal Obama pasti yang baik-baik..giliran soal McCain dan Sarah Palin selalu lebih banyak negative news-nya..haha..susah ya cari media yang bener-bener netral..

anyway..if Obama really win the's definitely gonna be HUGE..way to go Obama! i support you..maen-maen ya kesini..ntar kalo dah jadi presiden, jangan kaya org Indonesia ya..US is a huge country and surely has a huge impact for please keep all your promises and don't break our hearts..Obama for President..yeah..

replaying some old memories..

Akhir-akhir ini gw beberapa kali ketemu temen-temen lama gw..entah itu di dunia nyata atopun di dunia yesterday, i met andree (my ex-bf) and his siblings at church, we talked a little..and then this morning my friend from junior high, ivonne, said hi to me on was all seem simple, but for me it was's nice to know that your old friends still remember you even though maybe we once had a bad memories with them..but like what i always said in my mind, memories will always stay forever..we just have to deal with it..Smile

trip to Cilacap..'s been few weeks since i wrote my last entry..maklum lah, gw moody banget kalo disuruh nulis..hehe
Anyway, lg seneng nih..sejak gw nulis entry ttg surabaya yg super hot, akhirnya surabaya diguyur hujan juga...horeee..segaaaarr..sejjjuuuukkk...nikmaattt...hehehe...kalo pagi rasanya adem gitu, jd males bangun...Pillow

Oya, minggu lalu gw ke cilacap 3 hari loh..senangnya..setelah berbulan2 gw stuck di kantor ini, di ruangan ini, di depan PC ini..akhirnya gw kluar kandang!! yeah...lumayan lah, paling gak sebagai ganti gw ga jadi ke Bontang..Cilacap pun jadi..
jadi ceritanya gw nemenin bokap rapat negosiasi harga sama PT. D&C yg ngelola coal handling project di PLTU Cilacap..we're going to take that project..
Ternyata cilacap jauh yaa...(ya iya lah..)..kita harus naek KA dulu ke jogja sekitar 6 jam, trus lanjut naek mobil 5 jam..totalnya 11 jam..wew..but the trip was ok, ga melelahkan kok..
Nah, berhubung hari2 ini lg hot-hotnya berita soal Amrozi cs yg mo di-eksekusi mati di Nusakambangan, Cilacap jd rame deh..banyak polisi & wartawan..sayang ga ada yg bisa dikecengin,heuheuheu...

Ya Tuhan, semoga abis ini aku bisa jalan2 keluar kota lagi..amin.